You asked us about WEIGHT GAIN and this MATCHMAKER answered...

Over winter and since we started dating, my boyfriend has packed on the pounds... with no end in sight to his eating and weight gain. I am beginning to feel turned off and even in some cases, ashamed. Matchmaker: Am I being too superficial and is there a way to send him a message without hurting him?

It's true that winter weight can feel a little bit heavy and un-sexy come summer time. Your concern is not unfounded and not overly superficial. Sometimes when our loved ones neglect their appearance, be it by overlooking a waxing appointment or over eating; it feels like the entire relationship is being neglected because making an impression is no longer a priority. With that being said, it is important to consider your relationship: has it become ultimately too comfortable. Has the game of seduction been put on pause? 

It may just be that he is oblivious to his weight gain and requires you to gently guide him back on track with healthy eating choices and fun fitness programs. Chef Jamie Oliver has a few great romantic dinner for two ideas to get you in the mood and so does, It's up to you to lead by example and avoid any temptations around the house. It's also up to you to get him out of the house and moving to shed those extra pounds. AskMen has some creative suggestions for workouts for couples. You can also adopt a new sport or biking route as part of your schedule and your quality time. The endorphins released while working out will influence your relationship for the better. Beyond the obvious benefits, couples who work out together have lots to gain in the long run. Elite Daily counts the ways. 

I wish you much success getting your boyfriend back to his optimal weight and health. More than anything, your question shows concern and how deeply you care about him. Just remember that regardless of his shape or size, you love him for how big his heart is...

*Margaux, the Jewish matchmaker is happy to receive and respond to all your questions on love, dating, relationships and romance. Send yours in: